Friday, April 30, 2010

And I continue to fail at life....

Hello again blog,

Yes, I know I have failed you. School is over, I will continue to try to do better.


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Wow, I've been slacking!

Dear Blog,
I'm sorry I have neglected you. I really have no excuse for my actions and hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me.

In other news, this should be my last semester of grad school, huzzah!!! This will also be the semester that kills me. Between classes, two jobs, the attempt to have something called a life, finding a big girl job and a new place to live...yeah, I'm just waiting for the nervous breakdown to occur.....

Sunday, October 25, 2009

What they Don't Teach You in Library School- Part I

What to do when a kid comes in with a cat carrier with a screeching cat inside.

No, I'm not kidding.

I told him, "Sorry, no kitties in the library," and he left.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Little Women

So, we are into Week 3 of the semester and I am SWAMPED with readings and should be starting projects/papers that are do.

But who are we kidding?

I'm actually reading articles for class (major accomplishment for me) and finding some of them quite interesting, particularly those for my Public Library Management class. But my readings for my seminar on Literature for Youth are much more enjoyable. I'm actually required to read Little Women for class! I haven't read that in ages and have forgotten how much I loved it. Also working my way through Treasure Island and Ragged Dick.

Ok, I'll go be good and do (read: pretend to do) homework.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Belle Weather: Mostly Sunny With a Scattered Chance of Hissy Fits


My internship is long over with and the whole creation of this blog was part of my internship requirement. I should just let it fall by the wayside, right?


I love my little blog. (Ok, I don't post everyday but I still loves it!) Therefore, I shall keep it but change the focus a bit and a tad. Since I'm still in Library School, I'll post about what's going on in my classes and about my adventures working in the library. I may also post any reviews of books I've read. Depends on how ambitious I am.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The hungry Caterpillar

The hungry Caterpillar
Originally uploaded by luckysundae
Because I couldn't end this without a picture of The Very Hungry Caterpillar!!!

The Boy Who Was Raised by Librarians (or in this case the grad student)

Wow. I've been looking back over journal entries and thinking about my internship and have realized some stuff. What have I realized?
  • Kids really do smell fear.
  • Parents can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy.
  • The day is not complete until you've had to use a glue stick or scissors.
  • Re-shelving books in children's nonfiction is a form of cruel and unusual punishment.
  • Librarians spend more time drooling over the new books than many of the kids.
  • Not everyone knows their library manners....
  • Animals in the library are both a blessing and a curse. (Don't tap the glass!)
  • All of the madness is worth it when two little arms wrap around you and say, "Thank you Miss Alyssa!"
  • I want to be a children's librarian!
And for those of you who scoff at the idea that an internship can open doors for you, I present you with this story. The day after my internship ended, I got a call from one of the staff members telling me about an open circulation clerk position. I turned in my application on a Monday and that Thursday I was called back and asked if Monday and Thursday evenings were good for me. Hooray for a library job!!!!